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The school's guiding values are a lifelong love and passion for learning and creative thinking. Awareness and empathy regarding people and environment is stressed upon.

Our philosophy

Scope is a child centric school. The purpose of the school is to create the right environment so that the child may develop as a complete human being. It offers a framework that meets children's several needs: academic, social, physical, emotional and cultural.

Each child receives nourishing affection and attention from teachers. Importantly, a child is valued for the unique individual he or she is and is not compared with another. This creates a secure environment for the child to grow in.

We care deeply for the child's dignity and integrity.

Learning is joyous when not motivated by reward or punishment. Children learn to think independently and speak their mind freely.

For a wholesome education, the hand, the head and the heart must develop harmoniously. We have a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning with a curriculum model that provides

Guidelines for what students should learn

A Teaching methodology

Assessment strategies

At the centre of every curriculum are five essential elements : knowledge, concepts, skills, attitude and action.

The aim of the programme is to help children acquire holistic understanding in areas such as language, environmental science, number work, arts and personal, social and physical education.

The medium of instruction is English. National language and state language, which are equally important for communication are an integral part of learning. This is achieved through songs, rhymes, story telling and conversation.

Student's academic, physical and life skills are assessed throughout the year. These assessments are recorded at the end of each term in the form of report narratives rather than grades or marks.

Physical education, Yoga, Music and Dance are part of the curriculum for all standards.

We try our best to see that the children can confidently interact with others, expressing themselves clearly. Social skills, good manners and courtesy, neatness and cleanliness and above all environmental awareness and responsibility are a part of the Scope Culture. It is our aim and endevour at Scope that Children develop into good and responsible citizens of the world.

For the school year to be enjoyable and rewarding for your child , we need the support of parents.

You can help, by playing an active role in the education of your child. You will be given opportunities to volunteer either in your child's class or in school. Mark your family calender and your personal date-book with such dates and remember them. Familiarise yourself with the school policies and co-operate with the school authorities,

All the children are encouraged to participate in all the events and activities. We do not believe in a reward or punishment system. Children are encouraged to do things at their own pace. There is no ranking of the students. We do not pressurize the children at all.

We request you not to expect things from your children which are beyond their capabilities and co-operate with us in making school as pleasurable and non-stressful for the child as possible. We know that as parents you are very concerned for your children and want only the best for them. As parents you have certain expectations from the school,. We understand that and try to do our best. We too expect you to follow the rules so as to make our task easier in the everyday running of the school. We hope you understand this and co-operate with us.

All the rules given and any future regulation which may be given should be scrupulously observed.

As a parent, you are an integral part of your child's development. We expect your full co-operation.





9.30 - 11.30 am Monday - Friday


8.15 - 12 noon Monday - Friday

The first month of school is a time when the child is adjusting to a new place and new people. This is probably the first time that the child is leaving the familiar and protected home environment. It is natural for the child to feel apprehensive and he may be under pressure. Do not feel upset if your child cries or is reluctant to come to school. But if you feel he is being unduly adversely affected, please come and discuss the problem with the teacher.

The child is getting adjusted to school during firs month. Do not feed him/her a heavy breakfast before he/she comes to school as he/she may be upset and throw up. Do not be upset if he/she does not eat is snack. We will ensure that he/she drinks water.

We are here to help the children and will do everything possible to make their adjustment to the school environment smooth and painless. Do not expect immediate results from the child or put undue pressure on the child. It is very important that you convey a positive attitude regarding the school and the teachers to your child.

At the time of registration you will be given a schedule of the meeting with the principal and teachers. It is mandatory for you attend those meetings so you are aware of what is required of you.

The first few days when the school re-opens are orientation days. One parent has to come with the child for an hour and half and be with the child throughout. The school time will be gradually increased (the schedule will be given) till by the fourth week regular school timings will be followed.

By end of the first month children generally settled down and get used to the school environment. During this time they broadly get accustomed to simple tasks, going out to play, coming to class, washing their hands, picking up their bags and arranging them in order, having snacks, visiting the toilet, general class, prayers, attendance etc.

From the second month we follow a structured timetable incorporating all the activities.

Every week we write the plan for the following week in the child’s diary so you are aware of what is happening in school. Any other information is also communicated through diary to the parent. Please sign the diary so that the teacher is aware that you have received information.


8.15 – 1 pm Monday – Friday

indoor and Outdoor activities that have been mentioned for the Pre- K.G.

Writing as a skill. We encourage children with a lot of crayon coloring and writing on the slate.There are books for writing where the children write in school under the supervision of the teacher, but it is relaxed for children who are reluctant to write. Sometimes some homework is given over the week-end.

English: We teach the phonic method. Conversation, spoken English, rhymes and storytelling are an integral part of the curriculum. Word recognition and vocabulary are a part of the curriculum.

Hindi and Tamil are taught as conversation, storytelling and rhymes. We have our own distinct curriculum. Books are supplied by the school.

SUBJECTS – English, Math, Science, Hindi, Tamil & GK

Books are supplied by the school. THE CURRICULUM is formulated by the school.

The children in the UKG are expected to write.

Contact us

Address : -

    380, Church Road, Mogappair East
  • Chennai 600 037
  • Tel: 7904372852, 7904354152
  • Taylor's Road: 9176272234, 9176319234
  • Affiliated to CBSE, Delhi, Vide No. 1931212
  • Email:
  • Call: 9 AM to 3 PM Monday - Friday
  • (On all working days)